Sunday 6 December 2009


As part of the project, we have to produce a two page feature on a made up artist, and obviously, to create a feature on a musician you need an article. I will write up a two page article on my featured artist Loop, a hip hop artist releasing his new album: Back to Business.

The most important part of writing a good, in depth interview that relates and appeals to all aspects of our readers interests. The following are questions I will be using:

1.So before we go into you current career, lets start from the beginning, how did you first get into the UK hip hop scene?
-This question was used to satisfy readers who are interested in perusing a career in UK hip hop, as "Loop" will give advice about how to enter the scene to aspiring artists.

2.You say you used to be into graffiti when you were younger? Are you still into that scene? How has graffiti affected your life? What do you think about its connection to UK hip hop?
-This Question was for the readers who are interested in Graffiti as they can learn about how graffiti artists can become successful rappers, and also so that they feel they have gained a deeper relation to Loop.

3.So, Loop, when you first released “Back to Business” did you have any idea of the success it was going to bring and if you had to what was you say was the main factor?
-These next 3-4 questions are included in order for the readers to learn what "Loop" has been doing since they last heard him, as being knowledgeable of what artists are doing and therefore feeling involved in the scene which is key to the magazine.
4.So I can’t imagine it was easy deal with the sudden success of the album, how did you cope?
5.Do you feel you have changed much as an artist since you dropped “back to business”, in terms of how your sound has progressed?
6.Do you feel you have changed much as an artist since you dropped “back to business”, in terms of how your sound has progressed?

7.And how about from what you’ve learnt about the industry? We always hear about how much of a struggle it is, do you feel you’re in a better position now to “play the game”, or is it still a real battle to get things done your way?
-This question was included to give readers an insight into the music industry for readers who are interested in perusing a music career.

8.You have featured on a lot of mix tapes and albums also, how did you personally get those link ups?
-This question was included to give readers who are interested in pursuing a music career advice on how to get onto other artists tracks, a brilliant way to get yourself known in the music scene.

9.What do you feel about the prejudices against hip-hop? The way people associ-
ate it with anger and call it gangster rap etc? Do you feel that sometimes you’re fighting a losing battle?
-This was a question that relates to all readers as the state of the hip-hop scene and societies views on it are important to anyone who listens to UK hip-hop.

10.It’s hard to get yourself a name in music today, what would you advise to people who are just starting up?
-This question is for readers who are interested in pursuing a music career as the answer will give readers advice onto how to start a successful future in music.

11.So lastly, what do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t doing music?
-This question was intended to show readers the importance of music an/or a passion in young peoples lives to give them direction.

I will also write the answers in order to ensure that the article contains quality answers that appeal to my readers.