Tuesday, 1 December 2009


To fully understand the target audience for my magazine, and what they would want in a music publication, I have created a questionnaire. This is particularly important for my magazine as there has never been a UK hip-hop magazine for me to gain this information from, so I must gain it myself from my 10 of my peers.

1. Have you ever bought a UK hip-hop music magazine?
YES-0 NO-10
2. If not do you know of any in the market?
YES-0 NO-10

3. Do you /your social group regularly listen to UK hip-hop?
YES-8 NO-2

4. Do you/ your social group take an interest in other aspects of the UK hip- hop scene apart from the music?
YES-7 NO-3

5. Would you be willing to spend (a)2.00, (b) 2.50, (c) 3.00, or (d) more on a magazine?
(a)-3 (b)-6 (c)-1 (d)-0
6. Would you rather hear about artists you are already familiar or a fan of or would you rather hear about (a)popular artists, (b)unknown artists or (c)both?
(a)-1 (b)-1 (c)-8

7. Do you enjoy the light hearted aproach of other music magazines or would you prefer for a magazine to take itself more seriously?
Light Hearted-3 Serious-7

8. Are you interested in perusing aspects of UK hip-hop yourself? If yes would you like advice on how to do so?
Yes+Yes-7 Yes+No-0 No-3